The Tactical Industries Target Master AR-15 22LR Conversion Kit is a drop in, blow-back activated device designed to adapt the M16/AR15 family of weapons to fire the .22 long rifle cartridge. The Target Master conversion unit installs in less than 1 minute without the use of tools. The Target Master conversion unit allows the use of inexpensive .22 long rifle ammunition in lieu of expensive 5.56mm ammunition. The Target Master is designed to replace the standard bolt group without any permanent modifications to the weapon. It will not change the appearance, feel, weight, handling; nor will it affect the performance or operating procedures when the weapon is utilized in the semiautomatic mode. The Target Master comes with one 30 round magazine. It has the approximate shape and unloaded weight as the standard 30 round 5.56mm magazines designed for the M16/AR15 family of weapons.

The Target Master allows an accurate alternative to full power 5.56mm practice and training which can be carried out in indoor shooting ranges or on limited distance ranges within city limits with .22 long rifle ammunition.Our tests prove that at 25 meters, groups were consistently between .50 – .75 inches and fell less than .50 inch below the high-powered 5.56 groups on the target.
The Target Master is an excellent tool for weapon familiarization and training for new shooters without the muzzle blast, noise and recoil associated with full power 5.56mm ammo while allowing the use of real full size weapons. Good weapon skills are developed by repeated practice building muscle memory. Target Master allows you to shoot more and shoot more often.

The Target Master allows continuous practice without damage to your weapon. Soft lead .22 long rifle bullets do not reduce barrel life like the full power 5.56mm ammunition. Practice with the Target Master will extend the life of both personal and LE agency weapons for many years.

- The Target Master Conversion Unit has proven to be very accurate in all weapons tested. The weapons tested to date include the Colt, CMMG, Bushmaster, DPMS, Model-1, Olympic Arms, Rock River, Stag, and Smith and Wesson.
- We have tested most different types of .22 long-rifle ammunition in our Conversion Unit. The most consistently accurate results were obtained with standard and high velocity ammunition weighing 36-40 grs. Copper coated ammunition, while not more inherently accurate, allows for longer shooting sessions of acceptedly accurate fire between clearings. Take a look at our .22lr Ammunition Types and Brands Comparison Gallery.
- The accuracy of our conversions unit is suitable for zeroing weapons. Battle sight zero is obtained at a distance of 25 meters using the procedures in the army publication TM 9-1005-149-10. At ranges up to 50 meters, the .22 long-rifle cartridge produces approximately the same trajectory as the 5.56mm cartridge. At ranges 75-125 meters the .22 long-rifle ammunition will require hold off aiming.
- While firing from 25 meters, our Conversion Unit easily shot groups of .50-.75 inch with most ammunition’s tested. This is equal to or better than the 5.56mm tested at the same distance. The .22 long-rifle groups printed less than .50 inch below the standard 5.56mm groups.
- All ammunition and rifle combinations produce different accuracy results. We suggest you try several different types and brands of ammunition in your rifle to discover its maximum accuracy potential.
I’ve been using one of these for over 5 years. It only gets used 2-3 times a year for our holiday range parties but on those days it gets used a lot. It gets swapped from upper to upper w no problems. It works awesome suppressed too! Which is super easy w .22lr. The accuracy is suprising. I dunno how good but it hits targets out to 70yrds consistently and is just fun to shoot. I wouldn’t be afraid to squirrel hunt with it.
I stick w copper or coated bullets and blow the grit and grime out every 150 rounds or so w cleaner and rem oil. That’s just the nature of the beast that is the dirty 22lr.
Black Dog magazines run great. I had an issue w one of the smoke mags cracked at the feed lip but all the solid black mags are great.
It’s nice that it comes in a case, keeps everything together when in storage.
I can’t remember what I gave for it but they were having a sale at the time and it came w a 25rd mag. It was the best deal at the time and has become one of my favorites.
ditto, picked mine up at least 5-6 year ago. Looking to put mine in a dedicated receiver and 22 barrel now, i think performance will be better with out the DI gas psi loss and fouling back to the battery..! mine seems to always jam in the last couple rounds of the 10rnd black dog mags.
btw, the tacticalindustries.us site (product) is now MIA, same with the model once offered by Stagg Arms